Monday, September 30, 2019

Key Messages Of The National Education Policy Education Essay

Explain what challenges you think you might confront as a get downing instructor in trying to implement the National Education policy enterprise. National Education ( NE ) was introduced to Singapore Schools in 1997 to develop national coherence, cultivate the inherent aptitude for endurance as a state and instil in our pupils, assurance in our state ‘s hereafter. It besides emphasises on cultivating a sense of belonging and emotional rootedness to Singapore. Many programmes such as Community Involvement Programme ( CIP ) and Learning Journeys were designed to assist schools accomplish such aims and the duty of put to deathing these programmes falls on the instructors. As a beginning instructor, freshly introduced into the profession, challenges are faced in the effort to implement such enterprises. In my sentiment, one major challenge that I would meet is planing activities that infuses a sense of relevance in our pupils – allowing them understand that national coherence is a consequence of the uninterrupted attempts of every Singaporean, and they are a portion of the equation. These pupils were born in the epoch of political and economical stableness, where bulk grew up in environments run intoing their demands and carry throughing most of their wants. Hence, they have the inclination to take their security and wellbeing for granted, doing them unable to grok the battles faced by Singapore in keeping the current success and stableness and the demand for NE. For illustration, most schools in Singapore commemorate nucleus event, Racial Harmony Day through the showcasing of the diversified cultural costumes and playing of cultural games to enable their pupils ‘ in-depth cultural cognition of their equals. Yet, a bulk of them treat the recollection of the twenty-four hours as an chance for an interesting concert and a half-day school, and few genuinely understanding the implicit in principle behind the activities, allow entirely instil a sense of relevance. Amidst the current racial harmonious atmosphere between different racial groups, pupils are unable to gestate the thought of racial public violences, its ‘ impact on Singapore and the importance of racial harmoniousness in a society. They view information relayed through these events as irrelevant and doubt the possibility of the return of such incidents in the current Singapore. It is of a common apprehension that the six NE messages would ever stay as words on paper unless instructors inculcate them into pupils in an piquant mode. Therefore, as a get downing instructor with no anterior experience in the ingraining of NE messages, I feel that the undertaking of planing engaging, merriment and relevant activities would be enormous, with myself holding unequal cognition of the activity thoughts that pupils are receptive to. Instilling a sense of relevance in pupils would be a immense challenge as it is non an easy undertaking to alter pupils ‘ deeply-rooted thought from â€Å" the duty of keeping national coherence autumn merely on the grownups and authorities † to the thought that â€Å" national coherence is the duty of everyone, including pupils † . Students should be taught that societal coherence occurs because each and everyone put in attempt and play our portion in lending to the wellbeing of the state. The issue is relevant to both grownups and pupils. From my personal observation, about all Singapore Schools repeat the same NE programmes for their pupils every twelvemonth, differing merely at the activities to be completed at single degrees. As such, pupils were bored of it, and older pupils particularly, expressed cynicism, and were unresponsive to the programmes. Hence, I feel that the 2nd challenge that I would confront as a get downing instructor in the effort to put to death the enterprises is eliciting pupils ‘ involvement in the engagement of NE-related activities. Unlike the traditional topics that we were taught to learn in the instruction institute, NE is non merely another topic where pupils learn by conventional instruction methods. In fact, pupils understand the constructs in NE better when the activities are prosecuting, merriment and capture their attending. Although pupils reflected that programmes designed by the school ‘s NE commission were everyday, get downing instructors, including myself, are unable to plan and implement new thoughts in topographic point of old 1s, with bing NE models in schools. On the contrary, I would be expected to follow the guidelines and present a similar NE lesson. As a get downing instructor with limited learning experience and teaching methods accomplishments, I would miss the ability in transform these guidelines into prosecuting and interesting lessons on par as that of the experient instructors. Most experient instructors are able to present interesting NE lessons, transforming the repetitive, dull lesson into prosecuting sharing lessons while staying by the guidelines. They reflected on their past instruction experiences, gathered feedback from old batches of pupils, and modified their instruction teaching method consequently to appeal to pupils ‘ involvement. Therefore, pupils ‘ involvements in NE activities are aroused and they participate actively in it. On the other manus, get downing instructors enter schoolrooms today with high outlooks of ourselves and of our pupils. Our learning method would be influenced by single background and assorted learning theories. However, the deficiency of experience in the instruction field would impact the quality of the lesson bringing as I would be unable to accommodate to pupils ‘ demands. In add-on, I would be given to avoid diverting from the model to plan newer, more exciting lessons as I fear for botching the ba lance between merriment and content. After all, the intent of the NE lesson would be defeated if there is more merriment than content. To reason, the aims of NE could be attained through appropriate programmes and it is therefore highly of import to instill a sense of relevance in our pupils and to elicit their involvement in NE activities. When faced with challenges in the effort to implement the policies, get downing instructors should detect, persevere and seek for aid to get the better of them. Through these challenges, we would turn to go better pedagogues and in bend, supply the greatest benefits to the pupils.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Septoplasty Research Paper

Surgical Procedure Card – Student Case Study # 9 Efren Gonzalez date 4/18/12 Procedure name and purpose/ definition: Septoplasty / bilateral tonsillectomy. ;is a corrective surgical procedure done to straighten the nasal septum. ; surgical procedure in which the tonsils are removed from either side of the throat. What is the prognosis of the procedure? to give a good breathing passage. and to stop inflammation of the tonsils Patient level : adultGender : female Additional pertinent patient/ procedure information: n/a Probable preoperative diagnosis ; Nasal septal deviation ; Tonsillitis Diagnostic intervention ; diviated nasal septal. Discuss the relevant anatomy and physiology;septum – made up primarily of cartilage and bone and covered by mucous membranes. The cartilage also gives shape and support to the outer part of the nose. The nose is the major portal of air exchange between the internal and external environment.The nose participates in the vital functions of co nditioning inspired air toward a temperature of 37 °C and 100% relative humidity, providing local defense and filtering inhaled particulate matter and gases. It also functions in olfaction, which provides both a defense and pleasure for the individual Pathophysiology (disease process). disrupted sleep patterns, headaches List the equipment that will be needed for this procedure: forced air warming device , valley lab bovie, sitting stool, fiber optic headlight,List the instrument pans/sets used: nasal procedures tray, microdrill, endoscopic. list the supplies that will be needed for the procedure. pack =sinus pack blades=#15, drains= penrose 1/4 x 18 (but did not see it on the field used) suture= 3-0 nylon suture, 4-0 vicryl basin set= single drapes=, 1/2 sheet , adhesive strip across the forehead. U drape dressings= 4Ãâ€"4, pharmaceuticals = NS for irrigation 1000cc, lidocaine 0. 5%, epinephrine 1%, lidocaine with epinephrine 1:1 miscellaneous= pens Anesthesia ; GeneralList pati ent’s position and items used for positioning ; supine with pillow under knees. arm resting to her sides. Where razors and clippers used preoperatively : no List the prep solution and perimeters of the skin prep. : Duraprep the eternal nose and face, extend the prep from the hairline to the shoulders and down to the table at the sides of the neck. list the order in which drapes will be placed: towel, 1/2 sheet , U drape incision : hemitransfixion incision, counts when performed ? before surgery, and after specimens: tonsill , and septumPostoperative patient care considerations; pain medication , no lifting , no running potential complications ; bleeding , infection , difficult breathing wound classification; clean contaminated class 2 24. The patient was placed on the operating room table in the supine position. After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was administered, the right and left nasal septal mucosa and right and left inferior turbinates were anesthetized with 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine using approximately 10 mL. Afrin-soaked pledgets were placed in the nasal cavity bilaterally.The face was prepped with pHisoHex and draped in a sterile fashion. A hemitransfixion incision was performed on the left with a #15 blade and submucoperichondrial and mucoperiosteal flap was raised with the Cottle elevator. Anterior to the septal deflection, the septal cartilage was incised and an opposite-sided submucoperichondrial and mucoperiosteal flap was raised with the Cottle elevator. The deviated portion of the nasal septal cartilage and bone was removed with a Takahashi forceps, and a large inferior septal spur was removed with a V-chisel.Once the septum was reduced in the midline, the hemitransfixion incision was closed with a 4-0 Vicryl in an interrupted fashion ( note, using a heaney needle holder with tissue with teeth, and suture finished off with a metzenbuam scissor). The right and left inferior turbinates were trimmed in a submucous f ashion using straight and curved turbinate scissors under direct visualization with a 4 mm 0 degree Storz endoscope. Hemostasis was acquired by using suction electrocautery.The turbinates were then covered with bacitracin ointment after cauterizing them and bacitracin ointment soaked Doyle splints were placed in the right and left nares and secured anteriorly to the columella with a 3-0 nylon suture ( note, using a heaney needle holder with tissue with teeth, and suture finished off with a metzenbuam scissor). A butter knife was inserted and turned 360 in the nose to check if the patient has enough space to allow for breathing. The table was then turned. A shoulder roll placed under the shoulders and the face was draped in a clean fashion.A McIvor mouth gag was applied. The tongue was retracted and the McIvor was gently suspended from the Mayo stand. The left tonsil was grasped with a curved Allis forceps, retracted medially, and the anterior tonsillar pillar was incised with Bovie electrocautery. The tonsil was removed from the superior pole to inferior pole using a Bovie electrocautery in its entirety in a subcapsular fashion. The right tonsil was grasped with a curved allis, in a similar fashion, retracted medially, and the anterior tonsillar pillar was incised with Bovie electrocautery.The tonsil was removed from the superior pole to inferior pole using Bovie electrocautery in its entirety in a subcapsular fashion. The inferior, middle, and superior pole vessels were further cauterized with suction electrocautery. The extremely edematous portion of soft palate was resected using a right angle clamp and right angle scissor and was closed with 3-0 Vicryl in a figure-of-eight interrupted fashion , ( note, using a heaney needle holder with tissue with teeth, and suture finished off with a metzenbuam scissor).Copious saline irrigation of the oral cavity was then performed. There was no further identifiable bleeding at the termination of the procedure. The estim ated blood loss was less than 10 mL. The patient was extubated in the operating room, brought to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. There were no intraoperative complications. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=kUOAhZOkgEg http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=1gnxNgP8xO4

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why is civilty dead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why is civilty dead - Essay Example These are the indications from the media, the public and political life. Admittedly, people have to have the freedom to speak for themselves, however the era of mass information and technology made our sense desensitized. After off the cruelty pouring out from the media it is difficult for us to control ourselves and to express our feelings without passing the border of the good manners. We are used to watching and listening to politicians who try to discredit their opponents on the public space. We also know that their verbal disruption polarizes and poisons the debate. We no longer perceive political animosity as something unusual. By now we heard how the Congressman Joe Wilson yelled to President Obama and called him "liar". However the lack of courteous behavior in politics is not the most troubling one, now that it moved to the public realm. Television helped a lot in showing foul language and numbing our sensibility with constant broadcasting of rude behavior. In addition the anonymity of the internet allows people to launch freely their anger. Mass media likes to focus its attention on nasty personal attacks performed by celebrities. The U.S society has a deep fascination with celebrities and I believe that their world- wide broadcast of indiscretions forced society to ask if civility is no more.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Unit 1 Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Unit 1 Discussion Board - Essay Example Based on recent statistics, for instance, the national health care expenditure amounted to $1,299.5 billion. (Patel, Rushefsky & McFarlane 2005, p. 7) However, the situation today is far from the ideal and that many criticisms were voiced in regard to the decline of the entire public health system. Despite the current extensive coverage by the federal government in many aspects of health care, many programs have failed (such as the short-lived Clinton health care reform) and the national health care performance continues to deteriorate. The argument is that financing is not the problematic area; instead, the problems include the unbalanced appropriation of the funds as well as the inefficient public health infrastructure brought about by organizational turmoil and fractionalized interest. These dilemmas are consequences of a politicized health care system, wherein politicians decide populist policies in order to be elected. According to a report made by the Institute of Medicine in 1988, many health departments suffer problems of health care delivery, financing and quality of personal health services. It cited that public health services have fallen into disarray while the ability of the public health system to take effective actions to deal with continuing and emerging public health threats is questionable. A later report – one that has been published in 2002 - concluded that not a great deal has changed since the previous report, stressing that public health law at all levels of government is outdated and internally inconsistent creating inefficiency and lack of coordination. These developments underscore the role that the political system in the US plays in the public health system of the nation. To illustrate: Instead of prioritizing the goals and objectives of an existing health care program, new directions and policies would be introduced because the tide of public opinion as reflected in the polls

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Core Benefits of Converse Chucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Core Benefits of Converse Chucks - Essay Example When being produced in the USA, Converse, a company based in the USA, could observe quality control better. The second risk is a loss of control over the Converse product to a certain extent. For example, Indian products might not have the same appearance as an original American product. The first benefit would be the globalization of the product. Instead of selling a product to only Americans, the Converse brand can sell worldwide. The second benefit would be cheaper production in India. Â  marketed its products in approximately 110 countries outside of the United States through subsidiaries, branch offices, independent distributors, and licensees. Non-U.S. sales accounted for 31% of total net sales in 2000. (CVEO Corp.) Â  4. Identify 5 sources of brand equity for Converse and Chuck Taylor AllStars? Basketball shoes are one source of brand equity for Chuck Taylor AllStars. The history of Chuck Taylor AllStars is another source of brand equity. The affordability of Converse is a source of brand equity. The retro/rebel image of Converse is a source of brand equity. Finally, the durability of the brand name is brand equity. Even though Converse went through bankruptcy, the name is known worldwide and in almost every American home. Â  5. Research the current position of Converse in the marketplace. Has it changed strategy since the case was written? If so, how? If not, why do you think they haven’t? Support your answer with an explanation and a source from online research. I believe that the strategy since this case was written is being brought to fruition. Under Nike’s leadership, Converse is growing and thriving.

Patagonia Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Patagonia Analysis - Case Study Example Customers in their desired target market, however, seem to be willing to pay this price for the quality, durability, and environmentally-focused attributes of the company’s brand name. The problem at Patagonia, however, is not related to the product, pricing or the above-industry-norm commitment to environmentalism as it is related to customer lifestyle. Patagonia only spends 1% of its entire budget on promotion and advertising, thus relying on social media and sales representatives to maintain the promotional function. The firm requires more visibility to extend its product line beyond the higher resource buyer segment to balance its profit goals. PROPOSAL ALTERNATIVES Experts in public relations identify the many competitive advantages that come from utilization of professional, externalized public relations firms. These include a positive corporate identity, improved national standing among competition, and improved consumer purchase intention (David, Kline & Dai, 390). Des pite Patagonia’s current sales success in gaining a higher volume of customers, the marginal increases in sales are much lower than industry norms for a business of this variety. Granted, some of this profit reduction comes in the form of environmentalism and charitable donations, however achieving higher profitability without losing the current positioning related to eco-friendly production is attainable by devoting a large portion of the operating budget to advertisment. In order to achieve a successful brand with high visibility, the focus should be on empowerment: â€Å"putting them in charge to take action† (Bayley, 15). Patagonia is a highly action-oriented business active lifestyles related to surfing, climbing, rafting and other outdoor recreation. Under the VALS2 Marketing Diagram for segmentation, action-oriented individuals spend a majority of their disposable income on social activities, buy on impulse, and follow fashion and fads significantly (Boone & Kur tz, 302). Even though Patagonia’s products are priced higher than industry norms, they are not priced significantly higher than other sportswear and outdoor wear companies overall, thus making them affordable for lower-income customers still in an above-average category. Action-oriented individuals in society include other recreational activities related to camping, skiiing, and general boating and lake/oceanfront activities. Patagonia requires extension of its brand presence into these markets in order to find profit success without sacrificing its core values that leadership is so dedicated to sustaining as top priority. The action plan for Patagonia is to develop relatively low-cost advertising and utilize assistance from external public relations consultants to create a system of well-coordinated press releases that give more visibility to the general consumer public. Reliance on the distribution network to conduct advertising function takes control of advertising from ow nership and places it in a third party, thus adding an element of risk to the business model in relation to sales. Consumers of all demographics respond positively to advertising with vivid

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Insurance Claim Follow-Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Insurance Claim Follow-Up - Essay Example The follow-up process of insurance claims is essential, especially when such claims are unpaid. It is important to follow up unpaid insurance claims in order to ensure that relevant authorizations are made, and that the underlying payment will actually be made. Without follow-ups, claims that are not authorized are hard to detect (Padfield, 2012). This may lead to the clinics or hospitals realizing deteriorating financial well-being. Following up insurance claims especially those that are not paid confirms whether or not claim records are available to the insurer. This facilitates timely reimbursements by ensuring that claims are correctly and timely filed. Finally, the follow-up informs the claiming party of the claims that have been approved, those that have been denied, and those that are likely to be underpaid. In so doing, mistakes related to insurance claims are easy to detect and correct. Therefore, insurance follow-up ensures that the insured-insurer dealings do not jeopardize the normal operations and performance of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cango Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cango - Essay Example With respect to the firm CanGo, it should be noted that the firm is aware of what industries it seeks to expand in; in addition to what industries they want to continue to remain a viable competitor. Therefore, if the firm is able to increase its sales numbers, the researchers within CanGo will find it necessary to conduct in depth analyses as a means of determining the best approach that should be made. With this accomplished, the research division, as well as the remainder of the firm, will have a means of understanding which markets are the most appealing, which require too high a level of investment, and which should be immediately engaged with. In this manner, Evolve Professional Business Consulting, has set out a baseline criteria through which CanGo should effectively research the options that are presented to them and make informed decisions based upon them. One of the most important steps that should be taken before the research itself is conducted is the question of who CanGo wishes to appeal to/sell to. Although this is something of a simplistic step, it is absolutely integral if the firm wishes to approach the research from an informed and effective standpoint. Far too many firms overlook this aspect of preliminary inquiry and set off to perform further research with incorrect assumptions that ultimately serve in misguiding the information that they are able to retrieve. Additionally, CanGo also should consider performing research for current and future sales; as a means of determining what movements in consumer markets are likely to impact the firm within the coming months and years. Market size is another fundamental aspect of business strategy and review of performance and projected business engagement that is essential in performing effective planning. As such, by identifying the target market, CanGo will be effectively able to seek to meet consumer needs within the current time frame; as well as in the near

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nietzsche's ideas to modern society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nietzsche's ideas to modern society - Essay Example He is the slave. Actions of free will contribute to dynamism without destruction. The weak-surrender and free-will cannot exist together. Can light and darkness remain at one place? When the light is switched on, the darkness has to go. No option is given to it whether to go or not. Similarly an individual, who knows the proper connotation of free will and acts accordingly, can do no wrong, even when he is gets the moral counseling from any other sources. He knows for certain -- that which is not practical cannot be religious either. Morality is the powerful and paradoxical force that dominates contemporary life. Nietzsche fails to judge morality in the correct perspective when he asserts (Nietzsche, 1998, p.23) â€Å"All naturalism is morality, i. e. every healthy morality, is governed by a vital instant—one or other life’s decree is fulfilled through a specific†¦.† Nietzsche’s method of interpretation and reach about the merits of morality itself is wrong. Just because counterfeit $500 is available in the market (their legal value is zero), one cannot term the original $500 currency as fake. Preaching morals, and telling to do this and not to that, is a process. Morals are not dropped from the heaven. It can at best be termed as the collective wisdom from practical experience of the Realized Souls. Just as a doctor or an engineer attains the professional degree after studying hard for a number of years, similar is the moral/spiritual practice. It is a ladder of progress to be climbed step by step, carefully. Highest reach of perfection is an attainable reality. Human beings live every minute of the existence amidst various temptations of life. With force and suppression, one can build an artificial barrier against passion and negative...Nietzsche’s explanation of morality can be compared to the exercise of explaining a fruit, without tasting it. What is important is experiencing directly to get at the truth. When an arg ument begins with wrong premises, its further steps are bound to be wrong and the final conclusion absolutely wrong! That is the position of Nietzsche when he articulates about morality. No moralist will tell one to walk back. The wise saying goes, do not run away to an ashram (hermitage) on the hills; create an ashram where you are! A moral/spiritual individual views life in its totality and not in parts. He knows that reason cannot penetrate the truth all by itself. It is only used as a tool to a limited extent. When intellectuals discuss and comment upon the subject of morality/spirituality, all such confusions are bound to happen. Nietzsche is an intellectual--a philosopher. His problems of understanding are to be sympathized, rather than condemned. By knocking at the portals of the mind, Nietzsche will not be able to understand the true meaning of morality. He has to transcend the mind, to experience the profound realms beyond the mind.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Necessity to study in Japan and future prospects Essay Example for Free

Necessity to study in Japan and future prospects Essay I am a sophomore student at the National University of Mongolia. I would like to study at the †¦. University as an exchange student for following reasons: I started learning Japanese from my second grade of elementary school. Afterwards, I had the great chance of visiting Japan twice, each for the duration of 3 months. It was a great experience for me as it broadened my views of the world and provided an opportunity to meet new people. I was also impressed by the kindness and honesty of the Japanese people and the magnificent development of the Japanese society. †¦. scholarship will give me opportunities to learn about Japanese university life, expand my eyes to campus intercultural diversity and increase my academic knowledge. After my return, I wish to build on my Japanese experience. Armed with both Japanese and Mongolian education and practice, I hope to excel in my field economics. First of all, in †¦. University I will study with International students; meet different people with different cultures, which mean I will expend my knowledge of other culture. I hope it may lead to future cooperation. †¦.. is a prestigious and well known world university. I am sure that my peers will be the most gifted students. So I think I should be hard working and work as a team with such excellent students. East Asian countries have high developed economics. In my opinion, there are many things to learn from Japanese economic system. So, it is very important for our students to study at highly developed country like Japan. I wm willing to take part in development of our country. 2. Study plan in Japan: If awarded this scholarship, I plan to take the following steps. During my time at †¦.. university, I plan to maximize my Japanese experience by taking several classes in Japanese and economics, both subjects which I am interested in. In my first semester I hope to take courses such as â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..† and Japan’s â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.† to create foundation. On that basis, in my second semester, I hope to take courses such as â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.† and â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..† to acquire a broader understanding of the subjects. Of course, I hope to contribute my knowledge of economics and novel experiences in class. When I return to Mongolia, I will be able to utilize my leanings and analyze local facts and economic phenomenon deepening my knowledge of economics. To balance my studies and personal experiences, I also plan to be active in social  activities in sports and culture. During my time at high school I started Kendo and enjoyed it very much. I hope to continue this sport and learn from the original masters. Through my active participation I will be able to make many friends who I will in turn invite to Mongolia one day. Such friendship may, in the future, lead to the basis of broader cooperation. Thank you for this opportunity.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Goals and objectives of Power Supermarkets

Goals and objectives of Power Supermarkets Introduction Prior to 1997, Pennys often shared sites with Power Supermarkets, also at the time an ABF subsidiary; however this practice ceased after the sale of PSL to Tesco in 1997. ABF decided to maintain control of Primark rather than sell it on also, despite the fact that it is the only non-food part of the operation. In July 2005 Primark/Associated British Foods purchased the 120 branch Littlewoods retail chain for  £409 million. Some of the stores, variously reported as 30 or 50, will be converted into branches of Primark, but the majorities are expected to be sold on to other retailers. The Littlewoods catalogue business has been retained by the Barclay brothers and will continue to operate under the Littlewoods brand. The company employs over 10,000 people, and own several brands, including: Atmosphere womans wear Cedar wood State casual menswear Denim Company casual menswear Butler Webb formal menswear early days baby/childrens wear Rebel boys wear Secret Possessions lingerie Young Dimension childrens wear The company is known for tending towards the budget end of the market, in contrast with many other clothing retailers which have gone up market. Analyze the goals and objectives using the mission statement as the basis. Mission Statement: To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people. Aims and Objectives: Long term objectives: To always be the first choice of customers To make sure that customers stick with primark and should not opt any other store that is competitor of primark The business within the organization will always be customer centric. The remain the leader of the market all the way To train all the employees up to international standards and let them aware of customer relationship management. To train the employees for managerial levels. Encourage, drive and support initiatives, innovation and creativity, capitalizing on opportunities to support operational goals and strategies. To achieve international standards all along Drive and support ISO standards throughout the Organization Foster an open and positive team environment to receive and disseminate direction, ideas and changes to all store levels and appropriate business partners. Specific objectives To provide cheap products Control shrink, expenses, and payroll. Ensure sales floor is adequately stocked, signed, and merchandised to brand presentation. Continually evaluate and react to performance issues while proactively hiring, developing and retaining the stores team in a timely manner. Analyze and measure business trends; develop and implement plans to maximize sales and meet or exceed goals and objectives. Innovations Keep the environment within the organization conflict free. Never ever compromise on rules and regulations. provide best possible services To keep the environment clean ant tidy so that customers doesnt get any messy view. Provide high quality, fashion basics at value for money prices. To achieve an organizational goals and objectives every organization, firm or company have some short and long term strategies to achieve their goals and objective to maximize their wealth or profits. Same like other organizations, since 1991 Objectivity has been developing several systems for Primark using different technologies. Recently a sophisticated Purchase Order and Purchase Order Matching system has been developed as well as a web based Stock replenishment system. Objectivity also maintains and supports all Primarks software applications and databases on a 247 basis. This includes Unify, Microsoft, Oracle and Java technologies. Computerized customs clearance, dedicated warehousing and distribution services facilitate stores in their control of stocks to support sales. Computerized up to the minute sales and stock information, by size and color is available to management at any time. Primark thrives in a culture that recognizes human resourcefulness and energy as the driver, rather than the systems that support it. Selecting, customizing and implementing a plan can be a complex process. These are some steps of the process including: Review the employers controlled group and/or affiliated service group situation. Design a plan tailored to the needs of the owners, employees and the business itself. If the plan is already in existence, they review the existing plan provisions and recommend changes to fully meet the employers goals and objectives. Prepare plan documents as required by the IRS. Prepare the request for an IRS determination letter, if applicable. Prepare the Summary Plan Description required to be distributed to plan participants. Prepare customized enrollment and administrative materials. Conduct employee meetings to communicate the provisions of the plan. Defined Contribution Plan Record keeping and Administration We perform the following services in order to provide for smooth and efficient plan operation: Calculate employee eligibility and plan entry. Maintain participant vested percentage records. Process each payroll, allocating contributions and loan payments according to the participants investment elections. Process fund transfers in accordance with participant elections. Determine eligibility for allocation of employer contributions and forfeitures. Allocate employer and employee contributions. Allocate plan earnings. Allocate forfeitures, if applicable. Distribution processing: Calculation of distribution amount, preparation of required distribution notices. Loan processing: Set up of loan accounts, preparation of promissory note and amortization schedule and tracking loan repayments. Hardship withdrawal processing: Determination of hardship distribution amount and preparation of application forms. Reconcile trust accounts. Prepare customized participant statements. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, taking into consideration all the environmental factors. Strengths: The Primark products are in good quality as compare to their competitors, thats why customers prefer their products than any other stores products. Primark has many outlets which are easily accessible to their customer which we can easily find in every high street and town centre. Primark has valuable brand among their customer thats the reason that every outlet is full of crowd of customers. Primark products are affordable to their customer while their competitors are expensive their products for example the majority product of Primark under  £10 which are very low price which attract the customers for buying. They are very good in management and keep properly recruited staffs which help in satisfying their customers. Primark has modern fully equipped information systems which are help full in managing the organizations, which is help full in increasing their productivity profit and preventing any loss for organization. Primark has diversified in different products which cover the needs of kids, mans, womens and youngster, thats why we see every type of products for every customers. In my opinion the shop Primark is an absolute gift to all those students and people who are strapped for cash and need something new to brighten up their wardrobe! Primark is a large shop in many shopping malls in towns across the country which sells fashionable and reasonable quality clothes for a bargain price. These days clothes are more expensive than a few years ago, meaning children and students buying clothes can get far less for what they spend, but alas there is a saviour, Primark came along selling the same type of clothes as Top shop, Miss Selfridge, and accessories as Accessorize for a tenth of the price. Weaknesses: Although Primark has low prices but opinion of many customers is not trust trustworthy because their are thinking if we buy in low price than products will be not durable. Their stores products are not properly set for their customers so there are the main problems with Primark. Untidy, messy, crowded, and hot and generally a very tiresome, hot and bothered shopping experience but lets not over look their redeeming features. The customers services in most cases fail to help their customers in providing their choice, size and color so their fore most customers are not happy and dissatisfy their customers from the organizations, which make bed image among their customers, and directly impact the selling of organization. They layout Primarks products are not properly managed which create bed impact on the customers, so their fore the organizations should properly manage the products in specific sections which should help in finding the products for the customers. Primark outlets have no car park area which cause difficulty for the customers which losing so many customers because of their no proper car parking area, as majority their competitors have their own car parking area. In Primarks customers services are very few while customers in crowed thats why you see long and long queues, which are very big problem for their customers, while their competitors properly manage their customers, and you never see long queue there. Recommend a strategic model for the organization. Justify the choice of the model Strategic Model: Strategic plan for a strategic Model provides a roadmap for success and the framework for clear communication of what is important and what is not important for an organization progression/succession e.g. Primark.Without one your organization is at risk of underperforming or even failure. Strategic planning is a key leadership instrument and process for deciding what the company should do. It begins with by defining organizational aims and purposes, followed by formulating the means to achieve those purposes. Most importantly, it provides direction for implementation of operational and tactical planning. Strategic planning models in business can simulate situations requiring risk reduction or training inputs. It can also be a tool for developing a consensus among the executive body. It can guide managers into decisions and actions that have a consistent, rational affect on the organization in a way that satisfies top management. Thousands of organizations rangingin size from Fortune 500 companiesto small early stage businesses are using the Strategic Planning to reachnew levels of success. It is widely recognized as one of the best templates for writing a strategic plan will help you to: Gaina competitive advantage. Takea practical, yet thoroughapproach to strategic planning. Reduce the amountof time needed to develop your plan. Analyze your current situation from both an internal and external vantage point. Establisha well defined vision for thefuture of your organization. Develop clear andactionablegoals, objectives, strategies and tactics. Create an implementation planthatinstillsaccountability for results and follow-through. Definepriorities and bring morefocus to what is important. Increase accountability. Improve productivity. Write an easy to understand and easy toexecute plan. Achieve alignment with overall goals throughout your organization. Build a comprehensive road map for success. This type of strategic Model planning providesa complete, yeteasy to followstrategic planning template that is proven to get results. The Strategic Planning Workbookexplains and illustrates thestrategic planning process including development and implementation of the plan.Itincludeseverything you need tocreate a comprehensive strategic plan that will produce desired results. Strategic planning doesnt have to be complicated or difficult. Easily develop your plan and reduce the amount of time needed to complete anexcellentroadmap for success with the help of this popular planning template. These and other important elements: How toconductinternal and external analyses and what should be included in each. Ways to craft relevant and motivating mission, vision and purpose statements. The difference between strategies and tactics and how to draft them. How goals and objectives for your organization are effectively created along with tips for ensuring that they are achievement-oriented. Why a detailed action plan is critical to a plans success and how to develop one. A complete understanding of the entire strategic planning process including examples and complete explanations of each step. An easy step-by-step process for completing your plan. The Strategic Planning bookwas written asa collaborative effort by several strategic planningprofessionals who have significant experience in facilitating, writing, and executing strategic plans. The authors have taken great care toavoid overwhelming the reader withunnecessary information while presenting a practical, real world approach to strategic planning. Strategic Model Planning is very necessary For: Executivesand managersinterested in leading theircompanies to new levels of success. Entrepreneurs looking for ways to write plans that get noticed by investors. Small business owners needing aguideto profitable growth. Non-profitorganizationsinterested in developing a sound strategic plan. Anyonewho doesntwant to spend thetime or moneyon seminars and consultants. Planning team facilitators who need a standard planningmanual for each member of the team. Anyone needing a straightforward, step-by-step guide for creating a winning strategic plan. In response to the growing need for an efficient and effective process to develop competency models that can be easily integrated into employee selection and development programs, the industrial/organizational psychologists and the technologists of Bigby, Havis Associates developed ASSESS Strategic Success Modeling (SSM). SSM is a software-aided process designed to define the competencies important for success in a given job. If a model has not been developed or the current model is out-of-date and needs revising, a new or revised model can be developed quickly and easily using the Strategic Success Model building process. ASSESS Strategic Success Modeling is a process by which an organization, with the facilitation of an SSM consultant, can easily develop a for a position or group of positions, or can update an existing, outdated model. Model building is initiated with a card-sort process that is facilitated with competency cards and sorting pads for participants. The overall process is facilitated with computer software that which is easily downloaded from the ASSESS website. If a model has been previously developed and is current, no formal SSM process is required. The SSM consultant, with input from Human Resources or key managers, can map the existing model directly to ASSESS using a combination of the SSM software and the ASSESS website. Developing an effective competency model requires an analysis of the critical components of a job or set of jobs in relation to the goals of the organization. For a competency model to be useful and accepted within the organization there must be: Alignment with the business strategy Involvement of key stakeholders Content that is straightforward and clear Integration into HR practices Communication of the model Continued refinement as the work environment changes. Top-Level Top-level managers, or top managers, are also called senior management or executives. These individuals are at the top one or two levels in an organization, and hold titles such as: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operational Officer (COO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chairperson of the Board, President, Vice president, Corporate head. Top managers in most organizations have a great deal of managerial experience and have moved up through the ranks of management within the company or in another firm. An exception to this is a top manager who is also an entrepreneur; such an individual may start a small company and manage it until it grows enough to support several levels of management. Many top managers possess an advanced degree, such as a Masters in Business Administration, but such a degree is not required. Middle Level Middle-level managers, or middle managers, are those in the levels below top managers. Middle managers job titles include: General manager, Plant manager, Regional manager, and Divisional manager. Middle-level managers are responsible for carrying out the goals set by top management. They do so by setting goals for their departments and other business units. Middle managers can motivate and assist first-line managers to achieve business objectives. Middle managers may also communicate upward, by offering suggestions and feedback to top managers. Because middle managers are more involved in the day-to-day workings of a company, they may provide valuable information to top managers to help improve the organizations bottom line. Low Level Low level managers are those in the levels below the top and middle managers. Low-level managers are responsible for all carrying out the goals set by top and middle management. They do so by setting goals for their departments and other business units. And the low level management do all work which pass the middle level management of the organization. The report is focused on the following aspects of Primark: Example: According to Primark policies and strategies while competing with other competitors in the UK market, they have some long term strategies in which they focus on these factors very seriously: Vital Statistics: Retail footage, number of stores, location types and formats, new store openings, financial performance, latest company developments. Competitive Position: Brand positioning and uniqueness of offer, store environments, profile of target customers, product segment authority, pricing strategies, marketing activities, service levels, benchmarking against key competitors. Future Developments: Location strategy and new format development, company weaknesses and potential threats. Employees Incentives: Primark focus very seriously to provide incentives to their employees including their wages, medical facilities and special leave facilities as well. Customers Special Offers: Primark always offers cheaper and very competitive prices offers on their different products according to their demands for every class Customer. Which is very best policy of Primark while competing with other competitors? Identify the key performance indicators to measure the performance and hence the information requirements. All Primark have been equipped with proper CCTV and security guards to ensure not losing any single items of the organization. Beside that electronic sensor are made that can help in preventing any products and items. Primark has got proper trainee staffs which increases the performances for organizations and makes better profit in achieving there specific targets. Primark composed of many different products, and each products are comprises of cheap processes with better quality, so thats they attract more customers as compared to other business organizations. Primark are monitoring by head of departments, which is facilitating the core value for the organization. By offering the better qualities with cheaper prices, it gets more profits every year as compared other organization like Tesco Sainsbury ect. Primark is using specific tools for advertisement which helps to increase the productivities for the Primark, which helps in archiving objectives smoothly. Primark has own strong brands which also source for the organizations performance and productivities. Now days many of the branches of Primarks are situated in every town and high street in UK, so that every customers can gets easily accessible required products. Low prices and best qualitys also helping in performances of the Primark. Primarks staffs are very cooperative and friendless to the customers, so thats they can attract more customers and hence affecting the efficiency of their business very easily. After establishing the information requirements and discuss strategic information systems which would give a competitive edge to this organization. You may also include information systems that enhance the Customer Relations Management. The importance of effective customer relationships as a key to customer value and hence shareholder value is widely emphasized. In order to enhance these relationships, the application of IT to marketing through customer relationship management (CRM) software, e-commerce and other initiatives is growing rapidly. This study examines the factors that influence the successful deployment of CRM applications, with particular emphasis on those factors which are distinct from other areas of application. Using the analytic induction method, success factors were derived from five in-depth case studies. Resulting factors underemphasized in previous literature include: the need for project approval procedures which allow for uncertainty; the need to leverage models of best practice; the importance of prototyping new processes, not just IT; and the need to manage for the delivery of the intended benefits, rather than just implementing the original specification An efficient SAP CRM solution implementation significantly improves efficiency of operations and drives down operating costs and this system also helps to enhance customer relationship management. We can understand that system very clearly in detail as : The Client A large company engaged in providing integrated mail and document management solutions. The Challenge The client planned to integrate various business processes across the organization in order to improve their agility and deliver shareholder and customer value through faster and more efficient operations. The client objectives were to: Implement a single ERP system for an integrated approach to maintain accurate and complete customer data and transaction information Integrate all order-to-cash and leasing functions to streamline operations and reduce costs Data conversion from legacy system into SAP including interfacing and reconciliation between the SAP and Siebel systems Provide accurate and timely information for better decision making Manage customer relationships more strategically making it easier for customers to do business with them Drive down operating costs by 5% resulting in annualized savings Reduce the level of complexity, effort and time required to maintain and run all their systems Reduce time taken for accepting orders by 75%. The Solution The client decided to implement SAP CRM software for all their Customer Relationship Management activities. After understanding the business requirements and the aggressive implementation time frames, Patni suggested an on-site / offshore model for this project. Patni was responsible for: Creating specifications to integrate processes across applications and business units Introducing standards and procedures based on Six-sigma methodologies Improving system performance using efficient coding and design techniques Developing innovative methods to meet user requirements and in-house software for custom reports and interfaces Development of a real-time interface with Dun and Bradstreet and in-house Database using SAP CRM like BDT (Business Data Toolset) and BADI Business Application Development Interface) to validate customer information The Benefits The SAP CRM database was a centralized source of customer information for all business units. Some of the benefits were as follows: Reduced operating costs by 5%. Eliminated over 2 million duplicate and obsolete records during implementation which resulted in reduction of incorrect mailed invoices, equipment shipments and pick ups. Consolidated and reduced the approx 200,000 Customer Account Numbers to less than half that number during implementation. This reduced the compensation adjustments. Standardized customer creation and maintenance processes across business units reduced the consolidation efforts required for business information reports. Introduced new processes and creation of knowledge repository helped the client move to a process oriented approach. Increased the accuracy of information thus reducing billing errors and resulting fines. Discuss the ethical and social issues associated with usage of IS/IT in the organization. Ethical strategy: Primark has been working within its supply chains for several years prior to making its commitment public by joining the Ethical Trading Initiative (E.T.I.) in May 2006. Primark defined its Ethical Trade Strategy in 2006. In 2008 they have entered the second phase of its implementation. Implementation of phase 2 will ensure that factories making 80% of all purchases are assessed. 135,120 workers employed in these units have had their working conditions assessed, and improved where necessary. Audits are conducted by Primarks own regional based Ethical Trade Managers and third party specialist auditors. 38% of our initial audits to date have been unannounced, and the rest take place within a pre agreed window. After the initial audit their Ethical Trade specialists work with the suppliers to support them through remediation. Training is offered to suppliers and their makers on particular issues and best practice, at regular intervals. Follow-up audits are conducted after three months from the initial audit. Primark has to report on its activity annually to the Ethical Trading Initiative and they have had encouraging feedback on their latest annual report. They share many of their suppliers with their competitors on the high street. All workers making these goods will be paid the same weekly wage. All new suppliers are risk assessed prior to supplying their initial orders to Primark. Primark recognizes that shared learning and collaboration is one of the most successful ways to achieve sustained positive progression with its suppliers factories. Primark participate in the ETI- supported National Home worker Group in India and are one of the founder members of the Wages Group. CODE OF CONDUCT Employment is freely chosen Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected Working conditions are safe and hygienic Child labour shall not be used Living wages are paid Working hours are not excessive No discrimination is practiced Regular employment is provided No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed Social Strategy Many companies have dabbled in social technologies, ranging from blogs to profiles on social networking sites. But almost all of these efforts are one-off technology deployments, instead of being part of a master plan on how to engage customers and employees on a strategic level. This session will lay out a framework, which Forrester calls the POST method that helps companies understand how to leverage social technologies. POST is an acronym for People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology and is the order in which companies need to build their social strategy. People: You have to understand how your target customer uses social technologies today and in the future. Objectives: Given how your customers use technologies, what business objectives can you realistically meet with social technologies. We believe there are five objectives companies can meet better and faster. Listening Talking Energizing Supporting, and Embracing. Strategy: After identifying your business objective, what is your strategy on how you are going to achieve it A deep understanding of which Web 2.0 technologies and approaches work for which objectives is essential. Technology: Once the other steps are done, then, and only then, should companies focus on which technologies to use. All too often, we have companies asking us which blogging software should we use when the question should be why we should have a blog at all knowing your objectives will make winnowing and selecting the right technology vendors a much easier process. References: 11/10/2008 11:30pm 12/10/2008 10:00pm 12/10/2008 11:00pm 13/10/2008 7:25pm 24/10/2008 8:20pm 28/10/2008 9:13pm 01/11/2008 11:50pm 02/11/2008 9:25am

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Problems of American Youth Essay -- Youth Young Adolescent Essays

The Problems of American Youth 1. Introduction This report briefly presents the problems of American youth. It consists of six parts. The first one deals with the general understanding of the teenagers in general. The second part conveys some facts about historic events and socio – historical context. The third one describes youths and their families and briefly shows the problems. The fourth part describes students and their schools. It conveys some details of educational system. The fifth part shows in what kind of activities can youths participate. The sixth part explain what problems do the youths face at. Finally the conclusions sum up all the parts and tries to show some looks to the future. 2. The Teenagers At 18 years of age, young people in the United States of America can take on most of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. However, before that the young man is understood as a teenager. A young person between the ages of 13 and 19 has to deal with the problems of adolescence. Most people experience conflict during this period of their lives. At this time the young people are changing rapidly, both physically and emotionally. Moreover, they are searching for self-identity, which cause some difficulties. As the young people are growing, they are developing their own values of life that often differ from the ones of their parents. It must be said that teenagers are influenced by the values expressed by their friends, newspapers, television, magazines and teachers. It is good if these expreesed values are suitable for young people and affect them in the right way. During this period of life, young people begin to participate in social activities. They begin to do more things in the company of members of the opposite sex and fewer things in the company of their families. All youths face a certain problems. Some young people have difficulties in their relationship with their parents. Some of them have problems at school, which may lead to use of alcohol or drugs or even grow to refusal to go school or running away from home. Some teenagers even can turn to crime. However, some teenagers, who face such problems, are making positive and important contributions to their communities, schools and society. Many teenagers are studying for college entrance exams or working at part-time jobs after school. Others are volunteering a... ...ancies. Some programs rely on strong counseling against premarital sex and others provide contraceptive counseling. About one million young people run away from home each year. Most return after a few weeks, but others turn to crime. New programs are created to help troubled youths. Young people can go after school and talk with counselors, receive academic tutoring or take part in social activities. 8. Conclusions Most American youths look forward to their future with hope and optimism. American youth now focus on their education and career. They admit that hard work lies ahead and claim they are willing to make the sacrifices needed to reach their goals. Many young people are headed toward four – year colleges and universities. Many other look forward to getting job after high school. Others plan on getting married. Other young people intend to join the armed forces or volunteer organizations. American youth are concerned about problems confronting both their own communities and the world around them. They faced such important issues as drug abuse, AIDS and environment problems. The youth are concerned with global issues such as nuclear war and world hunger.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Religion Accroding to Class Structure :: Islam Religion Religious Class Essays

Religion Accroding to Class Structure In The Arab World: Society, Culture and State, Halim Barakat discusses the effect religion has on society within the Arab world. â€Å"Religion is the most significant force shaping Middle Eastern societies,† For Barakat (119). This is because religion is both revolutionary and pacifying. The Middle East is divided into rigid social and economic structures, which creates tension between upper and lowers classes. One tries to perpetuate a system of inequality, which forces the other to cope with poverty. Religion is used to serve the needs of both classes, â€Å"to repress and to resist repression,† in this way (130). The duality of religion can help explain the way modern societies in the Middle East function. Over the course of time, â€Å"Islamic conquests resulted in the accumulation of a great deal of money in the hands of Muslims, so they lost the purity of the prophet† (133). This divided society into classes: the rich were content with their status but the poor were not. Religion was used to,perpetuate the rich’s existence as a class. The economic hardship the poor faced was justified through religion and the possibility of a better afterlife. Egypt’s twenty four districts, for example, were divided between the king, the military and the princes, leaving no land for the people. To justify his class’ status, the king told the people they did have land: â€Å"It was the twenty fifth district, and its place is in the kingdom of heaven† (134). In this instance the king used religion as a â€Å"coercive and repressive force,† to serve his intentions (129). Rationalizing the poor’s poverty and the rich’s power through religion wa s a way Muslim rulers â€Å"legitimize(d) and maintain(ed) the prevailing order† (129). The way classes in the middle east practice religion is highly illustrative of class difference. Barakat makes a distinction between what he labels â€Å"official religion,† and â€Å"popular religion†: the former is practiced in rich, urban areas, and the latter in less affluent, rural ones (126). He says official religion stresses the value of strict interpretations of religious texts, monotheism, an absence of intermediaries between believers and God, and a close connection between religion and the ruling class. Popular religion, on the other hand, values interpretations of religious texts, personified sacred forces, spiritual inner selves, and does seek intermediaries between believers and God. Religion Accroding to Class Structure :: Islam Religion Religious Class Essays Religion Accroding to Class Structure In The Arab World: Society, Culture and State, Halim Barakat discusses the effect religion has on society within the Arab world. â€Å"Religion is the most significant force shaping Middle Eastern societies,† For Barakat (119). This is because religion is both revolutionary and pacifying. The Middle East is divided into rigid social and economic structures, which creates tension between upper and lowers classes. One tries to perpetuate a system of inequality, which forces the other to cope with poverty. Religion is used to serve the needs of both classes, â€Å"to repress and to resist repression,† in this way (130). The duality of religion can help explain the way modern societies in the Middle East function. Over the course of time, â€Å"Islamic conquests resulted in the accumulation of a great deal of money in the hands of Muslims, so they lost the purity of the prophet† (133). This divided society into classes: the rich were content with their status but the poor were not. Religion was used to,perpetuate the rich’s existence as a class. The economic hardship the poor faced was justified through religion and the possibility of a better afterlife. Egypt’s twenty four districts, for example, were divided between the king, the military and the princes, leaving no land for the people. To justify his class’ status, the king told the people they did have land: â€Å"It was the twenty fifth district, and its place is in the kingdom of heaven† (134). In this instance the king used religion as a â€Å"coercive and repressive force,† to serve his intentions (129). Rationalizing the poor’s poverty and the rich’s power through religion wa s a way Muslim rulers â€Å"legitimize(d) and maintain(ed) the prevailing order† (129). The way classes in the middle east practice religion is highly illustrative of class difference. Barakat makes a distinction between what he labels â€Å"official religion,† and â€Å"popular religion†: the former is practiced in rich, urban areas, and the latter in less affluent, rural ones (126). He says official religion stresses the value of strict interpretations of religious texts, monotheism, an absence of intermediaries between believers and God, and a close connection between religion and the ruling class. Popular religion, on the other hand, values interpretations of religious texts, personified sacred forces, spiritual inner selves, and does seek intermediaries between believers and God.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

History Of Coca-cola Essay -- essays research papers

History Of Coca-Cola Coca-Cola was born on may 8th, 1886 at the hands of Dr. John Smith Pemberton. In the laboratory of his house at 107 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia he finally settled on the syrup later to be known as Coca-Cola.1. John Pemberton was born in Knoxville, Georgia in 1831. At the age of 17, he attended the Botanical Medicine School of the State of Georgia.2. After school he owned a drug store in Columbus, Georgia and fought for the confederacy in the Civil War. During the war he became addicted to morphine from an injury.3. After the war ended, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia and kept up his pharmacy business at home. He created such patent medicines as Globe flower Cough Syrup, Extract of Stillingia, Triple Liver Pills, Lemon & Orange Elixer, and French wine of Coca. The latter, being very similar to the "Vin Mariani" created by a private industrialist, Angelo Mariani, was inevitably the biggest seller. The "Vin Mariani" was a cocaine laced Bordeaux wine, popular throughout the world.4. French Wine of coca included cocaine as well as caffeine from the kola nut found in a tree from Africa. It was sold as a cure for nervous disorders, disturbances of internal plumbing and impotency.5. In November 1885, Pemberton decided to remove the wine and offer it as a syrup based medicine or a fountain drink, after Atlanta voted to become a dry city effective July 1886.6. He began experimenting. When he started out the overall taste was very bitter due to the caffeine and cocaine. He added a lot of sugar to cover these flavors, but that proved to make it a very sickening kind of sweet. TO counter-balance that he added various fruit flavors and citric acids. The final products ingredients included: 1 oz. Citric Caffeine, 1oz. Ext. Vanilla, 2 Â ½ oz. Flavoring, 4 oz. F.E. Coco, Caramel Sufficient, 3 oz. Citric Acid, 1 Qt. Lime Juice, 30 lbs. Sugar, & 2 Â ½ gal. Water. The flavoring was made of 80 Oil Orange, 120 Oil Lemon, 40 Oil Nutmeg, 1 Qt. Alcohol, 40 Oil Cinnamon, 20 Oil Coriander, & 40 Oil Neroli. The original directions were quite short and simple. They read as follows: Mix Caffeine Acid and Lime Juice 1 Qt. Boiling water add vanilla and ... ... cola in America.27. Coca-Cola eventually woke up and realized the mistake and threw out he new stuff and reintroduced the former recipe as Coca-Cola Classic.28. Even though this all seemed disastrous at first it was proved that the threat of taking the original recipe away was just what the company needed to boost it’s sales, and soon enough they flew past competition to regain their #1 spot once again. However, this marketing success can not be attributed to ingenuity, but to very good luck! It was not until after the crisis had passed that the company and the public as a whole realized just how much Coca-Cola was a part of everyone’s history. Children grew up with traditions of hot dogs, apple pie, base ball, and Coca-Cola. On the 18th of October, 1997 Roberto Goizueta died at the age of 65 from a long and hard fight with cancer.28. Currently, an ex-accountant who has been with the company for years has been appointed the new president. The company expects him to be another great success in the history of Coca-Cola.

Love at First Sight Essay

Love at first sight is a common trope in Western literature, in which a person, character, or speaker feels romantic attraction for a stranger on the first sight of them. Described by poets and critics from the Greek world on, it has become one of the most powerful tropes in Western fiction. In the classical world, the phenomenon of â€Å"love at first sight† was understood within the context of a more general conception of passionate love, a kind of madness or, as the Greeks put it, theia mania (â€Å"madness from the gods†).[1] This love passion was described through an elaborate metaphoric and mythological psychological schema involving â€Å"love’s arrows† or â€Å"love darts,† the source of which was often given as the mythological Eros or Cupid,[2] sometimes by other mythological deities (such as Rumor[3]). At times, the source of the arrows was said to be the image of the beautiful love object itself. If these arrows arrived at the lover’s eyes, they would then travel to and ‘pierce’ his or her heart, overwhelming them with desire and longing (love sickness). The image of the â€Å"arrow’s wound† was sometimes used to create oxymorons and rhetorical antithesis. â€Å"Love at first sight† was explained as a sudden and immediate beguiling of the lover through the action of these processes, and is illustrated in numerous Greek and Roman works. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Narcissus becomes immediately spellbound and charmed by his own (unbeknownst to him) image. In Achilles Tatius’s Leucippe and Clitophon, the lover Clitophon thus describes his own experience of the phenomenon: â€Å"As soon as I had seen her, I was lost. For Beauty’s wound is sharper than any weapon’s, and it runs through the eyes down to the soul. It is through the eye that love’s wound passes, and I now became a prey to a host of emotions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [4]†Love at first sight† was not, however, the only mode of entering into passionate love in classical texts; at times the passion could occur after the initial meeting or could precede the first glimpse. Another classical interpretation of the phenomenon of â€Å"love at first sight† is found in Plato’s Symposium in Aristophanes’ description of the separation of primitive double-creatures into modern men and women and their subsequent search for their missing half: â€Å"†¦ when [a lover] †¦ is fortunate enough to meet his other half, they are both so intoxicated with affection, with friendship, and with love, that they cannot bear to let each other out of sight for a single instant.†[5]

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Artists Represent the World Essay

Abstract artists have been greatly criticized and underestimated for their lack of culture and sophistication produced in their artwork. Interpreting, reading and deriving meaningful, useful information from abstract art requires the highest level of creative skills, and the most developed and trained imaginations. Learning how to perceive messages from art takes just as many years of conscious effort as the traditional forms of education. As a result, art perception is not a significant part of formal education, dismissing art’s literacy’s importance as requiring a special â€Å"gift. † The Beginning, painted by Barnett Newman, appears to be very simple, basic, nothing more than colorful lines pasted against a blue background. â€Å"His (Newman’s) paintings can seem to be barely doing anything at all, and yet, given time and attention, they reveal depths and subtleties of immense power. â€Å"(Denny, 2002) The Beginning clarifies the underlying patterns and natural order of life sciences, shows the invisible connections from the sky to the ocean, and forever creates new life’s beginnings. The Beginnings is an image of a crystal ball used as a window for scrying into the ocean, and eventually seeing a mirroring effect of reality. All artwork, including abstract and surrealism, created only from imagination is a window to look into reality. â€Å"Alberti, in his De pittura (1435), harnessed the technique of perspective to the theory that painting is an imitation of reality. He viewed the picture plane as a window through which one looks at the visible world. † (â€Å"Perspective,† 2007) Realism art is a mirror image reflecting tangible existing objects. Realism art is definite, showing what the artist actually sees as he or she is making up the painting. Abstract art is a lot more complexed, but is still realistic. One of abstract art’s significant contributions is clarifying the underlying patterns, and the natural order of universal life, forcing deeper parts of the imagination that normally go unused to be activated. Using imagination to interpret art helps us to understand the facts that are hidden from us. Abstract paintings are nothing more than a mixture of colors. â€Å"Whitehead systematically elaborates in his imposing Process and Reality (1929), going so far as to suggest that process, rather than substance, should be taken as the fundamental metaphysical constituent of the world. † (Irvine, 2003) Barnett Newman’s abstract, The Beginning, background color is apparently early morning sky blue or a blue sea. Metaphysically, the sea and the daybreak sky symbolizes new beginnings. The sky represents a new day, everything pertaining to the sea or water symbolizes a new life, translating into life as having constant new beginnings, reflecting a reality we can never touch. Reality is constantly moving and changing. The sky and the sea also symbolizes movement. Using the alleged symbology of the colors and the name of the art as windows, we understand Newman’s interpretation of realism, or actual visual images of the reality of life occurring in nature. The structure or underlying pattern of the atmosphere’s progressions can be viewed in The Beginning. â€Å"Chaos theory reveals an underlying pattern and order that is hidden in natural phenomena that before were considered to be merely random. † Peirce, 1996 Assuming the light blue dominating most of the abstract represents the sky or the sea, and the alleged symbols represent the beginning of a new eternity, Newman is implying that this is the hidden underlying basis of what everyone thought had no beginning, such as lightning falling from the sky. Looking at the painting right side up, lightning bolts are coming from the sky in unusual colors. To the center left at the very bottom is a splash of darker blue upon impact of the lightning bolts hitting the sea. The lightning bolts are in red, yellow and white offset colors. Between the red and white lightning bolts, a blue lighting bolt is coming down, but does not have enough power or force to complete the journey. The lightning bolt blending in with the background spatial point stops before reaching its destination. â€Å"It would be a mistake to think of a spatial point as being anything more than an abstraction; instead, real positions involve the entire series of extended volumes. † (Irvine, 2003) The lightning bolt unable to reach its destination can also be the beginning of a pattern of sequential events. The white lightning bolt is the most powerful or forceful object in the painting. A light red line runs down the center of the white lightning bolt, making the loudest splash into the sea. Then the pattern starts over. To the left is the weakest lightning bolt. Angling from the upper left corner is a vivid red appearing to ending up in front of the splash where the white bolt hit. To the far right is the yellow lightning bolt, perhaps starting its own pattern of sequential events of connecting life between the sea and skies. â€Å"Studying the process of art can provoke the beast and initiate the journey within. † (Lodato-Suppa, 1996) Barnett Newman was famous for painting colorful bands calling them zips on sky blue canvases. It appears like there was nothing to it. (Ned Denny). Visualizing art is the same thing as listening to or composing music. The impact of art speaking directly to the subconscious is so powerful the mind is completely overtaken by its presence. Music and painting selections incorporated into everyday life should be taken with great caution because of it’s powerful effect on the mind. Interpreting art is a tool guiding us individually on life’s journey. References Hall, D. , Mills. , H (1996) The Society for the Advancement of Creative Scientific Thinking Society Charter Retrieved March 15, 2008 http://ibiblio. org/scst/charter. html Irvine A. D. (2003) Alfred North Whitehead Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved Retrieved March 15, 2008 Newman, Barnett. (2007). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed. ). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=112876047 Contemporary Art. (2007). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed. ). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=112853364 Perspective. (2007). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed. ). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=112879220 Denny, N. (2002, October 7). Nothing to It: Ned Denny Discovers Great Depths and Subtleties in Emptiness. New Statesman, 131, 40+. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5000662917 Lodato-Suppa, P. (1996). Awakening Picasso Learner/teacher as Artist. Education, 117(1), 106+. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5000436049

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Case Study UMUC Haircuts Essay

Myra Morningstar is the owner of the small business, UMUC Haircuts. It is a small shop in the college campus area and Myra is looking to expand her business to meet the needs of customers. In order for her to be successful in her new adventure she will need to consider the needs of her customers, use of technology, and competition with the new local competitor. Barriers to entry in the Hair Care industry are very minimal. When it comes to barbershops and salons, there are a few already in the area with a couple more potentials. High customer volume creates much competition in the market. The only barrier to entry is licensing. Barbershops and salons must have a business license along with a few permits (Barbershop Business Guide, 2014). The fixed costs are minimal and no special products are needed. Loyalty to barbers and hair stylists is moderate and incentives to use a particular provider are almost non-existent. The market is close to saturated and this particular area will soon become highly competitive. Threats of substitutes for UMUC Haircuts are moderate to low. Women are typically very particular about their hair style and cosmetics. These are items that can create repeat customers; once you accommodate a customer, they’ll be coming back again and again. With the young and low income college students, this may vary slightly more but fashion is always going to be important to most women. Men like convenience and normality so same as women, accommodate them and they’ll come back. Buyers don’t have much bargaining power in the hair care industry because there are so many of them. Almost every person gets their hair cut and usually several times a year. Thus there is a large market of clients for salons and shops. Customers can range from two years old to ninety years old. Even though the costs of switching to a different salon are very low, people are creatures of habi t and will normally stick with one salon or barbershop. Most people who cut their hair regularly and pay for high service will have developed a loyalty to their stylist. Buyers have most, if not all, of the power in this market so it’s important for shops and salons to differentiate and stand out. Suppliers in this market have a low bargaining power. Barbershops and salons are going to be the ones pushing and promoting their products. Shops and salons are free to choose which brands they carry. It is the suppliers’  responsibility to convince the salon to carry their brand, either through discounts, sales, promotions, or other things that benefit the salon. There are enough different brands of hair care products for the supplier power to have relatively low bargaining power. With Hair Cuttery about to set up shop and the few others that are already open for business, it is very hard to gain substantial market power in this industry. There will probably never be a monopoly in the hair industry. The competition amongst salon s and barbershops is moderate to high. Not one company dominates the industry. Besides the spa across the street, most are comparable in prices. The biggest competition will probably be the Hair Cuttery with it being so close and them offering hair care to both men and women. UMUC Haircuts will use operational effectiveness to improve the manner in which internal business processes are executed. Operational effectiveness will help boast the number of customers almost instantly. This will ensure no chairs are empty for any large amount of time and will also cut down the wait time of walk-in customers. Operational effectiveness will decrease Buyer power because there will now be open chairs for walk-ins or a maximum wait time of 15 minutes coming to UMUC Haircuts. Customers that choose to return will be remembered by staff and their past visits will be logged which, will make the customer feel important. Supplier Power will remain the same as before, with the amount of hair care products available. UMUC haircuts will have the power to choose where to buy their supplies from, whether they choose to buy in bulk for a better price or go with top of the line products that will be more affordable to UMUC due to the increase in sales and customers. The threat of substitute products will be low because the customers will be getting what they want from UMUC. Customers usually look to substitute products when there is a price increase on their normal product, their product is no longer available or they have to wait for what they want. Consumers like instant gratification and that is what UMUC will offer their customers. The threat of new entrants is high and will continue to increase. Improving operational effectiveness won’t stop new salons and shops from popping up but it will help with keeping the customers loyal. If they like the way the business is being run and that they are being put first then they won’t run at first signs of a new shop or salon in town. Rivalry will always be high in this industry due to the amount of salons and shops and  how easy it is to enter into hair care. Innovation and always putting the customer first/customer service are a couple things to help stay ahead of competition. UMUC Haircuts will need to continue to stay ahead of the times with updated technology. UMUC has a few daily processes that need to be improved upon. The daily process that UMUC will tackle is the customer information not being logged effectively and efficiently. By adding a computer to organize and store this type of information, it will help UMUC Haircuts a great deal especially with customer service. Remembering customer’s names can go a long way especially if they staff is able to view their information before an appointment and greet them with a hello and a summary of their last visit. STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: With the use of technology and adding computers, UMUC Haircuts can achieve Operational Effectiveness PROCESS TO BE IMPROVED: Tracking customer information through a computer program to achieve greater customer service. REFERENCES Barber Shop & Salon Business Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2014. Website. Porter’s Five Forces in the Hairdressing Industry (in details). (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2014. Website.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Political Correctness Essay

From the time man developed his ability to interact with other people using the speech code, his work became more intensified and his job became more highlighted as it was not easy to communicate with each other and still be left ‘politically correct’. The term ‘politically correct’ was meant to be used to filter out humiliating words and it was a concept that was brought in to be more palpable and social in this world. Like every good concept in the world, being politically correct is also applied in the work place scenario. The applying of the statement of being ‘politically correct’ depends on by what intent it is used for while working in offices or be it educational institutes. The intent behind the usage of the term was to manifest a certain amount of diplomacy and tactfulness when it came to criticizing a colleague in mortifying terms. It was only a way in which things can be put up against the use of words that would degrade another person. However, as seen in most work places, people work with zero tolerance levels and are ready to snap at each other on a pin’s drop, completely misuse the political correctness scenario, and ultimately the entire purpose for which it was brought in to the world gets dampened, as the term becomes high in use for those people who actually want to humiliate and degrade other people. The high bullying of the term can be assessed by the following: ‘But despite political correctness, discrimination against minorities and the powerless, still flourish globally. We are not more civilized – in fact, we are slipping into anarchy and we are living in a violent world and people who are at ease with themselves, in touch with themselves and accepting of all people, use the politically incorrect terms to refer to themselves. The abuse of political correctness is in essence dishonesty and it ignores the consultative process and very often those who are affected (like the visually impaired), and because we are not at ease with the New Terminology, it is often the object of jokes – clearly indicating that political correctness causes tension within ourselves’. (Dr. Susan Steinman, â€Å"Politically correct – the smokescreen by which bullying thrives†. Retrieved on April 13, 2008 from site When misused, political correctness becomes harsher and makes an employee working in an organization feel much suffocated. The concept of the term is probably to say the word in a much better way, for instance the word African American over the words black people. Here the point is getting across of defining a sect of people without being racially abusive towards them. But employees might face racism worse by using political correct statement i.e. by stressing on the word African than American, as to signify the existence from a different continent. This kind of unwarranted political correctness is harmful and can lead to major hindrances in communication and would scar a colleague emotionally on terms of being abused either racially or by the way one has knowledge or even by the way one looks. Another way in the office people with wrong intentions can have hindrance in effective communication is by acting perky and snobby when using these politically correct terms and ultimately it would widen the gaps between office colleagues and subordinates on the line of being snooty and insensitive. Communication is a major asset of the working environment in an office. If it is tampered with on the grounds of political correctness, it would only lead to miscommunication and differences between people working, thus hurting everybody who would be in accord to it. Reference: 1) Dr. Susan Steinman, â€Å"Politically correct – the smokescreen by which bullying thrives†. 2)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Food Waste Biomass Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Food Waste Biomass - Essay Example Food wastes are generated from hotels, restaurants, and other retail shops with one of the major causes being foods that are all not being sold. If the quality and freshness of the food products get compromised or lost, then customers tend to reject such food products. Moreover, since customers do not like waiting for their favorite food products, retail shops order for more of the products, often which is do not get sold entirely, thus leaving unsold foods that eventually becomes wastes. Since right amounts of food are often not ordered at the right time, this leads to the most losses of foods. Foods also turn into wastes if they are not treated or managed properly. For instance different food products might be required to be kept in particular temperatures which if neglected leads to wastes. Incorrect mechanical handling of foods also leads to wastes (Stenmarck et al 10-11). The environment gets affected by food waste since natural resources are lost as a result of food waste, alon g with release of greenhouse gases in the air. Also, since there are many people in the world who are in need of food while on the other food gets wasted can be associated with social impacts as well. Thus if hotels and restaurants report for food wastes, they also prove to be socially not responsible and hence might not gain their position in the world of business. With wastage of the food, the other energy sources that were involved in the production of the food also get wasted (Environmental and social impacts of food waste).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fogo de chao Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fogo de chao - Essay Example The restaurant has 25 locations where it operates in the United States of America and 9 other locations in Brazil. The meaning of Fogo de Chao is ‘fire on the ground’ and summarizes the method of traditional gaucho of meat roasting over an open fire. The restaurant has many parts; part gluttony, part spectacle and mostly red meat. Fogo de Chao is a dining experience that is interactive where meats are carved tableside from skewers waiters who are dressed in Brazilian garb. Substitute to ordering, dinners have the liberty of trying anything and everything. Typically located in a space that is cavernous, the table meat-fest goes hand in hand with a huge and self-serve salad bar that is varied and the menu explains the different options of meat and provides drinks lists, mainly Brazilian caipirinhas. It is not hard to dismiss Fogo de Chao as a gimmick, other than it is actually very authentic. Not only is this all-someone can eat the style of table skewer of dining is popular in Brazil, where it is called riodizio (a restaurant serving riodizio is a churrascaria), however, Fogo de Chao is a Brazilian chain that is popular that immigrated to the United States rather than an Americanized take on that food of the nation. A lot of the servers are from are from Brazil, and nearly all of them worked in the other locations initially. The services are very impressive, given that the formula depends on each and every waiter’s responsibility for his/her meat(s) of the night, starting from prepping to cooking in the giant that are behind the scene s rotisseries used for serving. In addition to delivery and carve food, they supervise it from seasoning up to delivery at the optimum time. In all the locations in the United States are different, however, they are all upscale in terms of furnishing and decoration, with a lot of a fine than a look that is buffet, with a separate bar, distinctively a glass walled wine cellar that is

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate social responsibility - Essay Example The research using accounting theories in this context will focus on the primary stakeholders without whom the company cannot survive. Studies on secondary stakeholders or non-economic shareholders, that is the ones who affect or influence, affected, or influenced, yet are not involved in transactions with a company are not very significant to its survival. According to research, while a number of stakeholders are interested in the business activities of the CSR, most of the stakeholders view their voluntarily developed reports to have insufficient credibility and generally, they are skeptical of the company’s social responsibility reporting. Given that this is a discussion question, the issue will be looked at from both perspectives of the context. We must first of all look at the different accounting theories and what they suggest about the work of CRS in a company then give a conclusion later. The stakeholder theory for instance extends legality arguments to regard not only society in its entirety but specific stakeholder groups. These stakeholders require various reports and companies will respond to their demands in a number of ways. According to scholars studying this theory, stakeholder management is a driver of corporate social responsibility activities and reports. ... Legitimacy theory is one of these theories and states that reporting serves as a communication mechanism to manipulate and at the same time inform the firm’s actions perceptions (Hodgson et al, 2010. P. 23). Some authors argue that information given by the CSR is founded on a political â€Å"social contract† among those in power, such as the government and the people who grant them that power. Further, reports provided within the social contract for example, involve financial reports meant for shareholders, but it is argued that such reports include relevant information to a broader range of stakeholders (Blackburn et al, 1994, p.201). A big percentage of the research done on CSR and the areas related to it by accounting academics up to the present times have been on how people account for environmental and social activities of companies. However, the big question can be raised to state if such accounting results in any change in organizational behavior, in terms of bei ng sustainable than it was before. Moir, 2001, argues that while this may be a challenging question, there is evidence of change in the responsibilities and routines in the organizations. This is mostly realized in the use of accounting techniques and tools as well as in the use of the accounts types that are produced by organizations. However, he does not stop at this point by stating that even though such changes are evident, deeper degrees of change to rationales and attitudes do not always occur and these organizations do not embrace the sustainability agenda as desired. In this regard therefore, the challenge remains to face business people, accountants, and the society at large to go on striving for attitudinal modifications about CSR if

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Experiment Report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Experiment - Lab Report Example he most important factor affecting the availability of these nutrients is soil pH, a measure of the amount of hydronium ion (H+) that is present in solution. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7, lower values mean that the solution is acidic and soils with pH higher than 7 are alkaline. Different crops vary in their response to acid and alkaline soil conditions (Mathers, 2001). However, for most field crops, slightly acidic (pH = 5.6) to neutral soils are optimal for growth. Soil pH affects plant growth and productivity indirectly because, depending on the nutrient, availability is affected which can result in nutrient deficiency or nutrient toxicity. In higher pH or alkaline soils, result in deficiencies in the essential micronutrients iron, zinc, and manganese. Soil pH of less than 5.5 is already considered strongly acidic and will not support growth of economically important crops. Thus, the right soil pH is a requirement for maximum yield production. The development of acid soils has been due to high weathering brought about by warm temperatures and rainfall, and manmade events like the continuous use of nitrogen fertilizers and acid rain effects. At pH below 6 or under acidic soils, increased availability of micronutrients like iron, manganese, zinc , copper and aluminium result in toxicity symptoms (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2004); while decreased availability of phosphorus results in deficiency of this element . This is very true in humid countries where soil acidity is often associated with low crop productivity (Schroth, Lehman, & Barrios, 2003). The class was divided into eight groups. Each group was asked to bring soil samples from the area near their residence. In the laboratory, the pH and temperature of pure water was determined. After adding water to the soil and mixing the slurry, the pH and temperature of each sample were measured. Mean values of the soil pH of each group were determined, and the hydronium ion concentration was calculated using the